Peel and Stick Wall Art Mural…so Easy, A Kid Can Do It!

As I am working on my latest project, the tween room makeover, I found these neat little peel and stick wall art murals at Hobby Lobby.  They have a variety of styles and designs.    They retail for $19.99 but Hobby Lobby considers them “wall art” which placed them at 50% off during their weekly special.

Its a stick on vinyl, so all that you have to do is roll it smoothly over your wall.  It comes with little jewels for embellishment that you can stick on as shown above.

The finished piece looks clean, crisp and very stylish.  The best part?  My daughter was able to do it by herself and we know how accomplishing something for yourself feels!

Preparing for a “Green” baby – 6 DIY tips for an eco friendly nursery

Don’t worry, your baby won’t be a little green alien.  Although sometimes, it may feel like it with the jabs and rolling motions of the little life inside you waiting to make his or her appearance in this world.  Having a baby is life changing.  Most expectant parents want to do their best to prepare for their new arrival, so it makes sense to embrace a lifestyle change to eco-friendly if you haven’t already, starting right in the nursery.

Here are some eco-friendly home improvement options when planning your new nursery:

1)  Follow your nose

Lead is no longer found in newer paints found in stores, but there is another chemical you should become aware of: volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) How can something that says its organic be bad you ask?  The VOC culprits emit toxic fumes and invisible gases from common household items such as paints, flooring or even a new vinyl shower curtain.

Thankfully, many major paint brands now offer low or no-VOC paints.  Check the labels!

2)  Now I lay me down to sleep

Add a corded dimmer switch to your lights that are next to your cozy chair so it’s always within reach.   A little night-light  also provides sufficient lighting in the dark at lower wattage use.

3)  Beyond the 5 second rule

Crawling around on the floor can have its disadvantages for baby.  Carpet is one of the most toxic elements that you can put in any home.  Carpets can harbor dust mites and other allergens.   Even worse, new synthetic carpets can emit gaseous VOCs.

Options to keep the nursery carpet-free:  bamboo flooring, cork or carpet tiles.  Add softness to the bamboo floors using a natural fiber rug or mat.   If you don’t like the idea of carpet free, at least consider one made of natural fibers such as wool, cotton, hemp or jute and don’t forget about checking the padding!

4)   Let the sun shine in

Cordless cellular shades (available through Levolor) is just that…cord free! This is the safest option for curious little fingers.  Use natural fiber window coverings to compliment your color scheme and room decor.

5)  The air we breath

An air purifier improves indoor air quality by removing allergens such as dust, pollen, mold and pet dander.    The Idylis air purifier from Lowes claims to remove 99.9% of airborne allergens.

HEPA filtration on vacuums also helps reduce airborne allergens.

6)  Keeping it clean

Using eco-friendly cleaners are the safer alternative for your whole home.  Even a little vinegar, baking soda, etc. can do a great job cleaning without the harmful chemicals.

Published in: on May 11, 2010 at 9:51 pm  Comments (2)  
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DIY Bed Canopy Fit For Any Princess

Convincing our daughters that all boys are frogs, and they are princesses, what girls bed would be complete without a crowning touch like an overhead canopy? Making one yourself is extremely easy and affordable.

You’ll need:

a staple gun, fabric glue, a piece of plywood or other rigid board cut to a circle, and some drywall screws and hand-held drill

For the one pictured, I used some soft felt for the underside cover and the top ring (1 1/2 to 2 yards should be more than sufficient), 2 colors of sparkle tulle (about 8 yards each-on sale, this runs about $.79 per yard!), some zebra print ribbon for the tie-backs (1 yard cut into 2 pieces), some sequined cording (about 1 1/2 yards), over-sized faux pearls (1 package) and a black feather boa.  You can find all of this stuff at a crafts store; I like Hobby Lobby because they put their fabrics on sale frequently.  For this canopy, I spent about $20-25.  You can find something similar online for much more and it’s not nearly as “customized” to suit your daughter’s room decor.


A Tween Girls Bedroom Design

A Tween Girl’s Bedroom-Easy and inexpensive decorating ideas

I am blessed with a very quick witted and enjoyable tween daughter.  With a college student moving on and another teen son taking over a bigger room, my daughter has an opportunity to also move to a bigger bedroom within our home which will leave behind her current room.   Her current bedroom (above) is already decorated in a style that most TEEN girls would die for, so it pains me to disassemble it.

It may seem odd to give up her current room’s modern and trendy appeal, but there is a valid story and a certain amount of guilt behind it.  When we first moved into our home, I painted her room the pink it is now.  Florals, gingham check were the visions of “little girl” I once had for my daughter.  Turning 7, she wanted something a little more hip and definitely anything BUT pink!

Not having the heart to repaint so quickly or do away with some decor pieces already in her space, I regrettably convinced her to “compromise”.  So with a new comforter set and pillows priced at less than $200, along a few intentional decor pieces purchased on sale at Hobby Lobby for under $100 and a little creativity, we had a complete budget room makeover for less than $300.
